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Need some help brewing that perfect chai? We’ve got you.

Here you’ll find our own recipes for both traditional ‘Masala Chai’ or for making a simple ‘Masala Tea’ using your masala chai blend at home.

First things first - what’s the difference?

Traditional masala chai is a milk-based tea drink with spices and a little sweetness added to create a ‘chai latte’. This is how we recommend you make your masala chai for the most authentic, delicious chai experience!

For traditional Masala Chai ‘Lattes’:

  1. Pour 300ml of non-dairy milk into a small, non-stick saucepan & bring to a gentle boil over a medium heat, stirring occasionally.

  2. Lower to a simmer before adding in 2 generous teaspoons of your masala chai blend, stir well and bring back to the boil.

  3. Lower the heat and leave to simmer and infuse for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally.

  4. Remove the pan from the heat, stir in 1-2 teaspoons of your desired sweetener and then strain into your mug (press those leaves for all the golden goodness!). Take five and enjoy!

Or you can use your masala chai blend to create a simple pot of ‘spiced tea’ (same difference but an easy way to tell them apart!); a lighter, even-easier way to enjoy your masala chai blend if you’ve got a tea pot with a strainer or mug strainer at home.

For a pot of ‘Spiced Tea’:

  1. Simply add 2-3 teaspoons of your masala chai blend into your teapot/mug strainer and pour over 250ml (a decent-sized mugs worth) of just boiled water.

  2. Give the leaves a gentle stir and leave to infuse for 4-5 minutes, depending on your tea-strength preference.

  3. Give the leaves one final stir before pouring out into your mug (or removing your strainer). Add a good dash of milk, a teaspoon of your desired sweetness to really bring out those spices and enjoy!

Brewing top tips

  • We use non-dairy milks when making masala chai which is why we don’t add any water to the recipe. We would encourage you to also use non-dairy milks (oat milk being our preferred option!), however this is completely up to you. If you find your masala chai too ‘milk heavy’, then you can go for 150ml each of water and milk instead.

  • Don’t forget to stir your masala chai in the pan to avoid it catching and potentially burning! Stir well consistently to prevent this from happening.

  • You can use any desired sweetness in your masala chai, we’ve found they all work well! An unrefined sugar works perfectly well, or sometimes we like to use agave syrup as an alternative. Coconut sugar also adds a dark, caramel flavour which works great! Have a play around and find your favourite!

  • We’ve created our blends to give you the best possible masala chai and we think it’s pretty damn good. Our recipe is our preferred way of drinking chai, however you can always alter it to suit your own taste. For example you can shorten the infusion time if you don’t like it too strong, add less or more sweetness, etc. When brewing, this is completely up to you!

  • We recommend getting a mesh tea strainer to catch all the tea/spice sediment and stop them from going into your brew. There’s nothing worse than a grainy finish to your chai!